What will you learn?
- You will learn the basic menu functions of the genset controller and become acquainted with the menu structure
- You will learn how to use the controller and obtain in-depth knowledge of the functionality it offers.
- You will learn how to use the different configuration inputs, modes of operation and how to change protection settings.
- You will learn how to connect the utility software, configure I/O’s, parameter settings etc.
- You will learn the working principals of the various power management features within the controller.
Meet the DEIF instructors
Learn more about the experts behind the our courses. Each DEIF instructor has a one or more products in which they are specialised.
Read about the instructors here
PPM 300 Service level
This training course is for operators and service technicians. You will learn the basic functions of the PPM 300 controller and how to carry out daily routine operations. When familiar with the primary functions you will proceed with more advanced tasks such as setting up, troubleshooting and commissioning typical genset applications.
This is a two-day training course within Danish working hours 8.30 am to 4.00 pm
Course prerequisites
The PPM 300 Service level training is for everyone and does not require any prior training. Most important is that you are motivated to learn, but general knowledge of the industry is an advantage. You will have to bring a laptop with a LAN port. You will have to install software on your PC, so please check if it requires special permission from your IT-administrator.
In the event of cancellation up to 14 days prior – no charge will be made. If cancellation is made after this time then an administration fee of 250 EUR per person will apply.
DEIF reserves the right to cancel a training course with 2 weeks’ notice if the number of participants is insufficient.
Day 1
08:30 - Introduction to PPM 300
09:45 - Introduction to PICUS
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Power management and new features
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Introduction to online assignments and setup
11:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Assignments
13:00 - Break
13:15 - Assignments
14:00 - Break
14:15 - Assignments
Day 2
08:30 - Start up
08:45 - Q/A from Day 1
09:00 - Online assignments and setup
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Assignments, questions and free task
15:00 - Examination
15:30 - Evaluation

Training is a cornerstone to success
With the rapid advances in generator control and the increasingly sophisticated communication between engines themselves, it has become more necessary than ever for operators and service personnel to receive in-depth training.
DEIF commits to providing our customers with the information and resources necessary for the efficient use of our products. To that end, we offer training sessions for you and your associates to help you learn how to use DEIF controllers and software appropriately on our online simulation equipment. Attending a DEIF training session will enable you to provide your customers with cost-efficient solutions that meet all common requirements.
We believe in learning by doing. Thus, our courses involve training with simulation and emulation equipment in a clean, hazard-free, and controlled environment. Together we will simulate and troubleshoot a wide range of typical fault conditions and also applications based on input from the course participants without risking damage to your plant.
The sessions are carried out in small groups for greater flexibility and more involvement.
Travelling to Skive
DEIF A/S is located in Skive, a 30 minute drive from Karup Airport, and 10 minutes’ drive from the below hotels. We will be happy to assist with hotel reservations. If you choose to make your own reservation, please refer to DEIF to obtain the below corporate rates.
Hotel Strandtangen
Located at the harbour
Reservations: (+45) 9676 0800
Hotel Gl. Skivehus
Located in the center of Skive
Reservations: (+45) 9752 1144

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