Discover what makes the iE Convert flexible and scalable

Ie Convert 125 1A

Does whatever you need

You can adapt a DEIF iE Convert for almost any conversion task and use it to transfer, store, use, and sell energy in a wide range of applications, regardless of voltage type, level, and frequency.

You can use it as a converter, inverter, rectifier, or transformer in a wide voltage range from 600 to 1550 VDC and up to 690VAC, and the highly configurable device offers bi-directional power flow, making it an indispensable building block in any energy system. It quite simply does whatever you need.

Scale it to your requirements

You can combine up to eight iE Convert units per controller to satisfy your capacity requirement and get the performance you need with power ratings from 100 kVA to 6 MVA.

Each iE Convert unit comes as a fully integrated, liquid-cooled module containing the converter, a basic controller, and the necessary filters. You don’t need to add more filters to increase protection classes.

Capacity requirement – kVA iE Convert 125 iE Convert 500 iE Convert 900
100 1    
200 2    
300 3    
400 4    
500 5    
600 6    
700 6    
800 7 2  
900 8 2  
1000   3  
1200   3  
1500   4 2
2000   5 3
2500   6 3
3000   7 4
3500   8 5
4000     5
5000     6
6000     8

Flexible and redundant control

The external converter controller lets you combine and operate up to eight iE Convert units, but that’s just the start: You can use a DEIF or third-party application controller to integrate the iE Convert in your system and achieve connectivity, cybersecurity, and power/energy management.

The DEIF iE 250, iE 250 Marine, and iE 350 Marine are ideal for this. In addition to next-level control, they let you achieve redundancy by controlling two separate application loops with one controller.

Convert Flowchat 3
Convert Flowchat 5

Get the basic facts

Get a complete overview of the form factors and application possibilities with our iE Convert units.

Land Flow Chart
Land Flow Chart

*Click to enlarge image.

Marine Flowchart
Marine Flowchart

*Click to enlarge image.


Ready to convert?

Get in touch to discover how you can build the energy solutions you need using iE Convert devices.


High efficiency on sea

Efficient conversion on land

Compact and efficient

A complete control solution