AGI 300/400 SW Pack for BSP ver. 1.0

You’re about to download AGI 300/400 SW Pack for BSP ver. 1.0

This software applies to the following DEIF products:

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The main changes implemented since the last version are as follows:

New features:

  • CODESYS R14 package


  • Corrected Tag scaling issues
  • Corrected project crashing when upgrading from previous version
  • Corrected errors in Custom field 1 when exporting Alarm lists
  • Corrected missing Webkit plugin
  • Corrected accept NTP request settings
  • Corrected white color (255,255,255) not working on shape line widget
  • Corrected the ability to delete multiple tags in Tag editor without crashing
  • Corrected the functionality to Write of IDs and IP in Beckhoff ADS protocol in Runtime
  • Corrected the ability to open page in an uploaded project before saving
  • Numerous minor corrections

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